
Knope is built in such a way that cargo-binstall can install it by downloading a binary artifact for the most popular platforms.

  1. Install cargo-binstall using your preferred method.
  2. Run cargo-binstall knope to install Knope.


Is your platform not supported yet? Please contribute it by opening a pull request.

If using GitHub Actions, the easiest way to install Knope is via this action.

Download a Binary Manually

We automatically build binaries for some platforms which can be found on the Releases page.

Install via Cargo

Knope is written in Rust and published on which means it can therefore be built from source by:

  1. Installing cargo via Rustup
  2. Running cargo install knope


Building Knope can be quite slow, if possible, it's recommended to download a prebuilt binary instead.

Build from Source

  1. Install the current Rust stable toolchain via Rustup
  2. Clone the GitHub repo
  3. cargo install --path . in the cloned directory


Have another method you'd prefer to use to install Knope? Let us know by opening a GitHub issue.